Guidelines on How to Publish your story.

1. Entries to African Stories must be either set in Nigeria or about Nigerians living in other places. These characters should be the major ones in the story but other characters could be from anywhere.
2. All the stories must be the original work of the writer, please do not copy another writer’s work, Nigerian or otherwise. In the world of writing, plagiarism is not easily forgiven.
3. Entries must be made wholly or predominantly in English in order that as many people as possible can enjoy the work. Where part of the entry is rendered in another language, there should be enough context that the reader can understand the meaning; otherwise, there should be a translation.
4. While non-fiction is allowed, it must be a story such as a memoir or how events have impacted on you or other people personally. Opinion articles on current affairs and politics can be posted in the groups/
5. Opinion pieces and articles on publishing, books, the reading culture, and literary calendar in Nigeria, or as it affects the country internationally, are encouraged.
6. The minimum word count for submission of fiction, non-fiction and short stories is 400 words and the maximum is 2,500. Posts shorter than 4oo will either not be published or merged with a continuing series. Posts longer than the maximum limit will be divided into continuing parts. If your story is less than 750 words, please categorise as ‘Flash’.
7. Poetry submissions must not be more than 1,500 words. Entries less than 50 words must be submitted together with another poem or they will be merged with other poetry by the same writer.
8. All members are contributors and can post stories to the site. Please endeavor to polish your entry as much as possible with regards to grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, etc. After posting, if you still need to work on your entry, please save as draft. When you are sure the story is ready for publication, then SUBMIT FOR REVIEW.
9. It will take sometime after you have submitted your story to when it will appear on the site. This time will be between 24hours to 4days depending on the number of entries on the review queue. Please we ask for your patience and understanding.
10. Once a story is published, you will not be able to edit it further unless by a request to Admin.
11. If your story will not be published, it will either be reverted to your draft posts or you will receive a notice from the Admin within 2 days citing the reasons for the decision.
12. Only writers with a certain number of stories and/or who have shown their commitment to the site and/or are Admins or officers on the Facebook page have author privileges and can publish their own stories whenever they are ready and edit them afterwards.
13. While members with Author privileges can add pictures, images, video, etc to their submissions, others can contact Admin for temporary privileges when they want to add such. You can also send an email to admin at with the attachment and instruction on which post you want it added to.
14. Submitted stories that do not meet these writing guides or have been rejected for other reasons will only be kept on the site for one week. After that they will be trashed and deleted. If you need to copy them to another location or edit for resubmission, please do that within this period.
15. You may tag your story with whatever tag you feel adequately describes it and would help others find it. It is not mandatory to tag your story; however, we encourage you to do so in order that other people can find it more easily.
16. Do not add more than 5 tags per story. In addition, please do not use misleading or offensive tags.

18. Categories are for the type and genre of your submission. Please tick the relevant categories for your story, at least one category for the type – Fiction, Non-Fiction, Drama(Play) or Poetry. To get the widest exposure, you should add at least one genre and at most three – Chick Lit, Adventure, Fantasy, Suspense, Romance, Supernatural etc.
19. Please do not add any further categories without Admin consent. However if you want any particular category to be added, do not hesitate to contact Admin.
20. Comments especially from writers should be of highest quality. Constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated, as feedback on their plotting, characterization, storyline, etc that help writers to improve. While comments will never be deleted, points will be deducted from members who consistently leave only one-liners, such as bravo or Love it!
More guidelines will be added as and when necessary. Thanks for your interest in Naijastories.
Suggestions or complaints will always be replied at

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