Advertise Here

  1. Dkazloaded now offers Leaderboard, Banner, Skyscraper, Rectangle, and Custom Ads. We offer attractive advertisement options to companies and individuals. We can help you promote your products, business (ie. offline/online), blog/website, music, ebook, ceremony, start-up, seminar, etc to reach your targeted audience and you will get a good value for your money. If you're interested, ad placement is billed on weekly or monthly basis per ad space, depending on the size of your ad banner. 
  2. Explore our ranges of advert options below: CREATIVE SPEC & RATES Leaderboard: 728x90. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 45k (maximum) file size. 
  3. Displayed throughout the site in the top position. Bottom Banner: 728x90. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 40k (maximum) file size. 
  4. Displayed throughout the site in the footer area. Skyscraper: 120x600. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 40k (maximum) file size. 
  5. Displayed throughout the right side menus of the site. Small Button: 200x200. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 30k (maximum) file size. 
  6. Displayed throughout the right side menus of the site. Rectangle Button: 250x220. GIF, JPEG, or Flash.30k (maximum) file size. Displayed on the site portal (Homepage only). Post Page Banners Sections: 250x220. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 30k (maximum) file size. Displayed throughout the site inside first post or Comments from Admin or Moderators. Additional Specs: No expanding, floating, pop-up, or in-stream ads. 30-second animation (maximum. Ad with white background must have a 1-pixel border (minimum). ALT tags may contain up

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