Today, the 28th of September, might not ring any bell to some who don't know her, but to so many though, it's a time to wish a very good madam, mother, wife, Aunt and sister a disciplined guardian, a happy fruitful birthday, the day she was brought forth to Mother Earth.
A woman who puts bitterness behind her at every stage it comes and focus on the good side of life, mingles with all, the poor, the rich and the average, everyone has a good way of identifying with her without feeling left out.
A very creative mind, God-fearing, humble in nature and friendly to a fault, A role model, virtuous woman and a strong wife who encourages her husband the dynamic leader and Prince of Eleme Kingdom: Hon. Prince Awalanta Mike Ejire. She respects the view and contribution of others and occasionally she visits her friends within and outside the state and rendering them advice and generous contributions when necessary.
Madam Ebiye is always grateful to God, for her parents, her husband, her little kids, friends, and all her loved ones. Most times people wonder where Madam Ejire got her traits from but if you have ever met her mother, you need not wonder anymore.
It is therefore not surprising how Madam Ebiye Ejire established and fine-tuned a cordial relationship with everyone.
Our beloved Madam "Owa Prince" cannot be completely written about within the precinct of a page or two.
Once More We wish you Happy Birthday! MADAM EBIYE NYIMENKA MIK. EJIRE.
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